











1. 观茶:欣赏茶叶在水中的沉浮,观察茶叶的变化,感受茶的美。

2. 闻香:茶香扑鼻,让人陶醉。在品茗时,不妨深吸一口气,感受茶香带来的愉悦。

3. 品茗:轻轻品尝一口茶,让茶香在口中蔓延,体会茶的味道。

4. 思考:在品茗的过程中,思考人生、感悟生活,让心灵得到升华。










1. 地铁:乘坐地铁2号线至人民广场站下车,从1号口出站,步行约500米即可到达仙林茶室。

2. 公交:乘坐公交105路、112路、123路、929路等在南京东路站下车,步行约300米即可到达。

3. 自驾:驾车沿南京东路直行,至人民广场附近即可看到仙林茶室的指示牌,按照指示牌指引即可到达。








1. “洗净尘埃,洗净疲惫,只为那一身清爽。”
2. “在这座繁华都市中,寻找一方净土,尽在上海洗浴中心。”
3. “放下喧嚣,享受宁静,让身心在这片天地中重生。”


1. “尊贵品质,只为您的尊享。”
2. “独具匠心的设计,为您呈现非凡体验。”
3. “五星级的享受,尽在上海洗浴中心。”


1. “专业技师,为您量身定制养生方案。”
2. “细致入微的服务,让您感受家的温馨。”
3. “一对一的专属护理,让您尽享尊贵时光。”


1. “典雅的环境,让您仿佛置身于仙境。”
2. “精致的装饰,彰显您的品味。”
3. “独具特色的格局,让您流连忘返。”


1. “养生之道,从洗浴开始。”
2. “呵护您的身心健康,让生活更美好。”
3. “专业养生项目,助力您远离亚健康。”


1. “在这里,您可以尽情享受休闲娱乐的时光。”
2. “丰富的娱乐项目,让您的生活更加多姿多彩。”
3. “与朋友共享欢乐,让美好时光更加难忘。”


1. “品质生活,从细节开始。”
2. “关注您的需求,为您打造完美养生之旅。”
3. “用心服务,让您感受家的温馨。”







1. 地理位置:纽斯在上海、青岛共有6家24小时营业门店,其中包括位于天山、世纪公园和虹桥镇的三家上海门店。

2. 服务项目:韩式火浴、温泉洗浴、健身会所、按摩美容、影音棋牌、餐厅咖吧、儿童乐园、室外泳池等。

3. 环境风格:独具特色的建筑装修风格,将韩国文化与现代元素完美融合。

4. 人均消费:约180元左右。




1. 地理位置:位于上海市中心区域,交通便利。

2. 服务项目:温泉洗浴、餐饮、棋牌、养生保健等。

3. 环境风格:典雅古朴,充满中式风情。

4. 人均消费:约200元左右。




1. 地理位置:位于上海市中心区域,交通便利。

2. 服务项目:足浴养生、按摩、桑拿、棋牌等。

3. 环境风格:独具特色的技师,专业的理疗手法,让您在轻松的氛围中享受养生保健。

4. 人均消费:约150元左右。




1. 地理位置:位于上海市中心区域,交通便利。

2. 服务项目:至尊芳疗、休闲保健、特色spa、茶道、按摩、男士养生、私人洗浴、催眠、高端水疗等。

3. 环境风格:充满艺术气息,侵染着水墨山水画的清新脱俗,亦不乏皇室宫廷的雍容华贵。

4. 人均消费:约500元左右。








1. 环境优雅:上海官方认证桑拿中心注重环境设计,采用先进的装修风格,营造出一个舒适、宜人的休闲空间。宽敞明亮的休息区、高雅大气的装饰,让您在享受桑拿的同时,感受到独特的文化氛围。

2. 设施齐全:桑拿中心内设有桑拿浴室、汗蒸房、按摩室、SPA、健身房等多种休闲设施,满足消费者多样化的需求。同时,部分中心还提供棋牌室、茶室等休闲娱乐项目,让您在休闲之余,增进与亲朋好友的交流。

3. 服务专业:上海官方认证桑拿中心拥有一支专业的服务团队,为消费者提供热情、周到的服务。从预约到消费,从咨询到解答,工作人员都会耐心倾听您的需求,为您量身定制休闲方案。

4. 安全可靠:官方认证的桑拿中心在安全管理方面严格把关,确保消费者的人身和财产安全。中心配备专业的安全人员,对场所进行定期检查,确保设施设备安全运行。

5. 品牌效应:上海官方认证桑拿中心以高品质、专业化的服务,赢得了消费者的信赖。这些中心在业界具有较高的知名度和美誉度,成为都市人休闲放松的首选之地。


1. 纽斯桑拿会所:纽斯桑拿会所以韩式桑拿火浴为主要特色,提供一站式休闲服务,包括韩式火浴、温泉洗浴、健身会所、按摩美容等。中心位于上海市浦东新区东绣路288号。

2. 汤连得温泉馆:汤连得温泉馆由上海汤连得实业发展有限公司全资打造,拥有丰富的温泉资源和先进的设施设备。中心位于上海市徐汇区宜山路528号。

3. 绿岛汗蒸洗浴:绿岛汗蒸洗浴是一家集桑拿、汗蒸、按摩、SPA于一体的综合性休闲中心。中心位于上海市普陀区宜川路610号。

4. 大浪淘沙:大浪淘沙桑拿中心以独特的海洋文化为主题,提供舒适的休闲环境。中心位于上海市黄浦区中山南路505号。



Even if the true fairy comes to stop him from planning, he can kill the true fairy at the same time!

In this way, the last night’s dragons are left with scattered sand, which is equivalent to extinction.
But no one expected that the reversal of the situation today was due to an important first-class fairy!
In this level of war, even Yuan Zuojun, the king of the county, was punished and Tian Wei was in charge. Who would have thought that a series of changes were caused by the intervention of a fairy?
It’s like a butterfly flapping its wings and causing a terrible storm!
Yuan Zuo County King stared at Su Mo’s eyes with anger and resentment!
He wants Yu Fu to be occupied by this person.
His mind, energy, and time were also destroyed by this person.
He worked so hard to arrange the situation, and now it is out of control!
In the final analysis, it is all because of this person!
"The situation in the temple is not good."
The punishment of Tian Wei and the lone star secretly whispered, "I’ll protect you from here first."
The king of Yuanzuo County looked unwilling to grind his teeth. "I worked hard to lay out this game. I don’t believe it will be destroyed by a first-class fairy!"
"Even if I can’t kill Emperor Lei today, I will cut this Sumo to pieces!"
Yuan Zuo county king said this, but Su Mo was beside Lei Huang and he still dared not make a move.
Emperor Lei will help the true fairy on the night of burial and ask, "Is it ok?"
"Can’t die"
Buried night true fairy said with a straight face.
"That’s good."
When Emperor Lei heard this, he laughed. "It’s rare to meet again and miss you getting drunk!"
"I’ll wait for you with the wine."
The true fairy road of burial night
"Ha ha ha ha!"
Emperor Lei laughed and the gun in his hand shook towards Jingyue’s fairy threesome.
"pretend to be!"
Feiyun Zhenxian sneered slightly, manipulating 10000 flying knives with his hands. "I don’t believe you can fight against three before your injury!"
Feiyun is a fairy. Drink a little.
10,000 flying knives are condensed again, gathered and intertwined to form a huge long knife!
Every inch of this long knife has a sharp blade!
Cut off the head of the long knife!
At the same time, Jingyue Zhenxian offered a magic weapon from the bag, but a golden gourd was thrown in the middle.
Bottle stopper falls, gourd mouth falls, and a golden light hangs over the thunder emperor.
The naked man is carrying a bronze mace to prepare for the close combat of Emperor Lei again!

Ji Yaoxue added, "And I heard that there is still an ancestor alive in Da Zhou. This ancestor is Fa Daojun!"

After returning to the virtual realm, it is the legal realm.
Only when you step into the virtual realm can you be called a Taoist, and when you step into the legal realm can you be called a Taoist!
On Sunday, there was a little silence before she said softly, "Cher’s choice to stand by is actually what this ancestor meant."
Ji Yaoxue couldn’t believe it and asked, "Ancestor, he is a Taoist priest. Is he still no match for a Taoist priest who returns to emptiness?" What are you afraid of? "
"Alas …"
On Sunday, he sighed, "Of course, the ancestors can suppress the blood crow palace master, but the main reason is that this person’s identity is too sensitive …"
"What if the Taikoo Jiuzu were defeated by the ancient Terran emperors as early as ancient times?" Ji Yaoxue doesn’t understand
Sunday seems to have thought of something, and a touch of fear passed in the depths of his eyes, shaking his head and saying, "Taikoo Jiuzu is far more powerful than you think!"
"If you really provoke the strong among the Taikoo Jiuzu, don’t say it’s my big week, even the whole northern region will experience a catastrophe!"
"The ancestors had witnessed such a catastrophe …"
On Sunday, there was a pause without continuing to say, "I hope that Sumo has left the dimly discernible peak."
On the other side, there are two beautiful women hidden in the ancient trees and dense forests.
A slightly older man, but with no trace of time left on his face, exudes a mature and attractive style.
The other wore a long pink dress and a veil, and looked like a girl.
"Gu Yi Su Mo hasn’t come out yet. It is estimated that he is not in the dimly discernible peak and has left." The girl in pink skirt said happily.
These two men are Gu Xi, the chief manager of Tianbao Auction House, and the demon of Motome Ji, the magic door.
"It’s better to be like this. It’s doubtful that Su Mo will appear in this situation!"
Gu Xi’s look remains the same. "The blood crow palace master is a member of the Wu clan and a member of the Taikoo Jiuzu! Ten thousand years ago, the catastrophe left a deep impression on the whole fix true world. "
"Don’t say it’s the ancestor of the Zhou Dynasty, even the people in Xianmen, Buddhism and Magic Door have scruples and don’t want to provoke the people in Taigu Jiuzu."
Ji goblin shook his head and said, "Not really. The elder of the magic door must be afraid of nothing."
After a pause, the demon tugged at Gu Xi’s sleeve and asked, "Gu Yi, didn’t you pass the news? What did the elder say?"
"What can he say?"
Gu Xi pie pie said, "that man is cold-hearted and has no fluctuation at all when he hears the news. Don’t count on him."
The dimly discernible peak war became more and more fierce.
Lingyun, the patriarch of Yuan Ying’s battlefield, is already Yuan Ying’s dzogchen, who almost stepped into the virtual environment. The terrorist block is struggling in the forefront.
Then the battlefield, build the base of the battlefield has been a rout!
It’s hard to recover from exhaustion and pallor when the crane is short.
The Blood Crow Palace and four monks of Tsukiji came like a huge torrent, constantly impacting the camp of Tsukiji in the dimly discernible peak.
In this issue, some small clansmen and scattered practitioners in the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty also took the opportunity to join the battlefield and prepare to fish in troubled waters.
Without Nianqi’s dimly discernible peak, Godsworn Tsukiji kept retreating and left a body all over the floor.
The river of blood is extremely tragic!
Then the battlefield situation is even more critical!
Dimly discernible peak constantly then real people fall.
True Fire Master Ma Zhi controls four flying swords with burning flames, leaving a series of hot shock waves in the crowd.
"Where is Su Mo, the little beast, still hiding?" The overall situation has been decided. Sima Zhi laughs proudly.
Canglang’s real-life emissary flying sword flashed cold light in his long and narrow eyes and said coldly, "You have lost a Buddhist monk Sumo, and your whole misty peak will be buried with you!" "
This sentence has already been losing ground, and the dimly discernible peak is in chaos.

Four people came from four directions to kill the sword. Although the light speed was fast, it was shaken to one side by his sword when he didn’t touch Guqing. Before the four people moved, they had to do more. Before moving, the Qingfeng sword in his hand was a split, a horizontal, a sweeping, and a sharp blade blinked, and each of them cut a fatal wound in their fragile throats!

"poof! Poof! Poof! Poof! "
Deep red blood spilled and floated in the courtyard in an instant.
At the rebuke of the guards, they will immediately leave the news in the backyard room. Thunderhawk wakes up, listening to the sound of each sword breaking. This master with nine realms of airway seems to be having some kind of nightmare, and a lot of sweat keeps falling down his forehead!
"The princess … he’s here. We have no time … we have to leave the capital of the king quickly … if we don’t come or escape from the capital of the king, the Second Imperial Palace is sure that you can take the princess to the palace by relying on the imperial guards and the experts to stop him!"
"He! ? Guqing! ? How dare he come to my country house! ?”
Ning Tianqi is also a master of airway at the peak, and his listening ability has reached an excellent level. Even if he didn’t see what happened in the front yard with his own eyes, he can still hear the intruder who broke into the monarch mansion at the moment, and he is fighting hard from the guards and hesitating, even if he can’t breathe for a few times, the other party will be able to reach this hospital.
Read this Ning Tianji immediately said, "Xue Qing, we must leave here immediately! This ancient green is the pinnacle of the nine-fold airway. I am afraid that no one can resist him! "
"Tianqi …"
If blade master was born, she was confident that there was a whole famous sword mountain behind her, and he certainly wouldn’t dare to hurt himself, otherwise waiting for him would be the collapse of the whole famous sword mountain
But this ancient green …
Princess Qingping recalled that a few days ago at the banquet scene, Gu Qing broke her sword without hesitation and almost shot her, and finally a trace of fear emerged in her heart.
"Then let’s go first …"
Seeing that Princess Qingping is finally willing to leave here, Thunderhawk can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. He immediately said to Ning Tianqi, "The monarch of Erhuang Temple will please you. I’ll lead the blood eagle to the back of the temple!" As soon as the words were finished, he was already running and quickly rushed to the front yard.
"Blood eagle remains …" Hearing these words, Ning Tian Qi Xin felt a burst of emotion!
Blood Eagle Guard!
This is absolutely a terrible thing for the whole Daqi dynasty, including the royal family, to smell in all forces. Once they go out, it is simply a chicken and a dog!
But now …
I cann’t believe I was beaten by one person!
Although feeling in my heart, Ning Tianqi didn’t dare to have the slightest hesitation when he grabbed Ye Xueqing and took him straight to the back of the courtyard. There is a back door that can go straight to Huang En Street, and you can enter the palace from Hongwumen through that street.
NingTianJi with green ping infanta LeiYing with the remaining two blood eagle who has rushed out of the backyard!
However, Thunderhawk is obviously not lucky.
Rushed out of the backyard moments before the master of the airway nine heavy came to see the present situation clearly, a cold light flashing sword light had instantly killed him in front of him. Thunderhawk suddenly took a deep breath and rushed out of his body, and the figure was almost passed by this sword blade.
Just now, the flint didn’t respond to his roots. Although he dodged the sword of Gu Qing, the failure to rush forward was almost equivalent to the whole person crashing into Gu Qing at one stroke.
After waiting for him to react in a flash, an ordinary left hand has buckled his neck directly at an incredible speed, and then in the five fingers of that hand, a force of the earth is so strong that it can instantly crush all the bones of his neck!
"You …"
This nine-fold practitioner with an open mind belongs to the kind of master who is at the top of the strong forest, but now he was caught off guard by Gu Qing because of rushing too hard, but he was crushed to death by his five-finger strength in a brief encounter.
With one hand, Gu Qing glanced back at the nine-heavy master of the airway and surrounded many guards behind him. He frowned slightly and stepped forward a few steps to accelerate suddenly. A sword will intercept a guard in front of him, and then he suddenly jumped directly from this crowd and jumped lightly from a high wall to the second floor of an attic!
With a high advantage, Gu Qing’s eyes swept away and immediately noticed that she had rushed out of the courtyard, Princess Qingping and the Second Emperor Ning Tianqi!
The remaining two blood eagles immediately knew what he wanted from Guqing’s eyes. Although their strength was not limited, they still flew up at the first time and went to the hands of Guqing on the second floor. The blood eagle guards were tailor-made and cut out directly, and the piercing knife light instantly enveloped him.
GuQing eyebrows a wrinkly eyes in two people cut out the knife light trajectory swept away that accurate to the extreme judgment immediately see through all the flaws!
As he suddenly makes a direct shot, the sword will take the lead in killing the short soldier in the hands of the blood eagle, and the potential of the sword will not decrease since his heart is crucial!
After slaying this person, his figure didn’t stop at all. The whole person jumped up and evaded. Then one person cut the blade horizontally and stepped on the back of his head with one foot, and burst into strength. On the spot, he killed this master who had reached the airway and had conformal power!
With the help of strength at the back of the blood eagle’s head, he jumped from the second floor to Guqing, like a big flying bird, with a flying blade that broke through the void and was stained with blood, and went straight to Ning Tian Qi, who was left to protect the assassination of Qingping monarch!
The first volume Meteor Festival 22 Back to Xianmendi
The sword light is awe-inspiring and instantaneous!
Seeing that this sword has killed herself, Princess Qingping suddenly uttered a shrill cry, "Gu Qing, don’t you dare kill me, my father will not let you go!"
Her folded drinking failed to make Guqing Jianfeng pause at all, and the cold light from Jianfeng came directly to the body of Qingping Princess.
A jade ornament worn in Qingping County instantly breaks to form a pale golden streamer that suddenly resists the tip of the ancient green sword!
This bodyguard’s sword, which has not yet reached the level of sword, was directly bounced by the pale golden streamer and shattered at one stroke.
"well! ?”
"This is my sister left me a protective fairy jade Guxin lingering jade! You can’t destroy this jade defense if you don’t reach the realm of Dan Dao! " Princess Qingping’s eyes were cold. "I’ll get this sword back. Just wait to bear the anger of Princess Qingping!"
When she finished this sentence, she didn’t come to transport the true qi to escape from this place. The knife in Guqing’s right hand was suddenly stabbed in the strength, and it was resisted by the light golden streamer, and the fist was then turned into a fist. The three strength roads were cleverly controlled by the seams of the sky, and at the same time they burst out and broke through on the surface of the light golden streamer!
Qingping infanta’s mouth spit out one mouthful blood directly, and her delicate body was hit by this triple superposition strength and flew out five or six meters away and fell heavily to the ground. Her face suddenly turned pale!
"Guqing, stop it. If you kill Princess Qingping, it’s not only the king of Zhenxi, but also our whole Daqi." Ning Tianqi is holding a sword and thundering. It seems that he will draw his sword!
It’s clear in his own mind that even Thunderhawk, the master of airway nine-fold and two airway heavy blood eagles, have failed to stop Gu Qing for a moment. If he draws his sword to resist, he will definitely fall on the spot …
After he married Princess Qingping, he supported himself to the throne with the help of the power of the king of the west town behind Princess Qingping, but there was no such thing as being faithful to each other and sacrificing all his feelings.
"Tianqi …"
Qing Ping’s infanta cried out in a tone that she was asking Ning Tianqi for help.